Alvin - Persons With Medicare
Through the use of Medicare, seniors in Alvin, TX. who are struggling with drug addiction can avail themselves of quite a few alcohol and drug treatment facilities which are covered by their benefits. Quite a few outpatient centers around the Alvin, TX. area provide services using Medicare, but seniors may find that Medicare provides coverage for hospitalization required in the course of drug rehabilitation such as an inpatient or residential facility. Medicare covers a wide spectrum of services for drug and alcohol rehab in Alvin, TX. including counseling, training, followup programs, and other treatment solutions as recommended by physicians in the course of rehabilitation. A type of treatment which Medicare plans do not cover is methadone maintenance programs for treatment of opiate addiction, so seniors will need to find an alcohol and drug rehab facility covered by means of Medicare that addresses opiate dependence through other means. Seniors with Medicare can speak with their physician or their plan directly to determine what types of alcohol and drug rehab centers are covered.
- Gulf Coast Center
101 Brennen Lane
Alvin, TX. 77511 - Excel Center at Friendswood
111 East Edgewood Drive
Friendswood, TX. 77546 - Gulf Coast Center
7510 FM 1765
Texas City, TX. 77591