Balch Springs - Self Payment Drug Rehab
While paying for alcohol and drug rehabilitation in Balch Springs, TX. can be a big hurdle to overcome, self payment is sometimes the only option and the majority of alcohol and drug treatment centers in Balch Springs, TX. realize this reality. The majority of drug addicted people don't have the luxury of private health insurance, because most end up losing such coverage in the course of their addiction. These potential treatment clients will very often not be able to acquire new health coverage, and so must self pay for their rehab. Drug and alcohol rehab facilities in Balch Springs, TX. will often help individuals if self payment is the only possibility, so see what assistance can be offered to bring the cost of treatment down to a price which can be paid. Families will work together to make pay for treatment when self payment is the only option, and families may speak with rehab providers around them to discover what help if any may be available to help drug or alcohol addicted individuals start rehabilitation.
- Child and Family Guidance Centers
120 West Main Street
Mesquite, TX. 75149 - Remedy Addictions Counselors Inc
303 North Galloway Avenue
Mesquite, TX. 75149 - Anti Aging and Longevity Center of
8021 East RL Thornton Freeway
Dallas, TX. 75228 - ABC Behavioral Health
2626 Grove Hill Road
Dallas, TX. 75227 - Timberlawn Mental Health System
4600 Samuell Bouelvard
Dallas, TX. 75228 - STEP Med
2929 Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard
Dallas, TX. 75215 - Metrocare Services
3330 South Lancaster Road
Dallas, TX. 75216