Breckenridge, Texas - Fees On A Sliding Scale
Each and every person who wants drug treatment should at all costs be able to obtain this invaluable treatment so that they can turn their lives around. Unfortunately, some alcohol and drug addicted individuals in Breckenridge shy away from receiving treatment just because they believe they just can't afford it. This is in fact very often the scenario when individuals are in need of help, although many drug and alcohol rehab programs have instituted what is referred to as a sliding fee scale which could help particular men and women get the assistance they need. Sliding fee scales are worked out on an individual basis based on the client's circumstances such as income, living arrangement, the number of dependents they have etc. It is not uncommon for clients to fall into particular categories which may help them qualify for this sort of payment assistance and it has helped quite a few clients in Breckenridge be able to fund treatment. Individuals can see if they may be qualified for a sliding fee scale by speaking to a rehabilitation specialist right away.
- Center for Life Resources
301 Pogue Avenue
Eastland, TX. 76448 - Pecan Valley Services
214 SW 26th Avenue
Mineral Wells, TX. 76067 - STAR Council on Substance Abuse
239 South Virginia Street
Stephenville, TX. 76401 - Shades of Hope Treatment Center
402 Mulberry Street
Buffalo Gap, TX. 79508