Cameron - Spanish Speaking Rehabs
People who speak Spanish and require drug and alcohol abuse treatment can sometimes be put off by the concept that drug treatment programs throughout the Cameron, TX. area only offer English speaking services. In fact this could not be more untrue, and quite a few drug and alcohol rehab centers around the Cameron, TX. area have facilities designed specifically for their Spanish speaking clientele and are staffed with bi-lingual rehabilitation specialists to assist in the rehabilitation course of action. Whether outpatient, inpatient or residential treatment is needed, there are a range of drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers in Cameron, TX. which offer Spanish rehab plan which can mean the difference between relapse or complete recovery. It is crucial that alcohol and drug addicted persons who need drug and alcohol abuse rehab know that this priceless help is accessible.
- MH MR Authority of Brazos Valley
1212 West Brown Street
Hearne, TX. 77859 - Central Texas VA Healthcare Services
1901 Veterans Memorial Drive
Temple, TX. 76504 - Scott and White Memorial Hospital
2401 South 31st Street
Temple, TX. 76508