Campbell - Self Payment Drug Rehab
While coming up with the money for drug rehab in Campbell, TX. can be a big hurdle to overcome, self payment is sometimes the only possibility and the majority of alcohol and drug rehab programs in Campbell, TX. acknowledge this reality. Most addicted individuals don't have the luxury of private health insurance, because most will have forfeited such coverage because of substance abuse. These potential treatment clients will very often be unable to obtain any kind of health coverage, and so must self pay for their rehab. Drug and alcohol rehabilitation facilities in Campbell, TX. will help individuals with payment logistics if self payment is the only possibility, so inquire to see what assistance can be offered to bring the cost of treatment down to a level which can be easily taken care of. Families will work together to make these logistics happen if self payment is the only option, and families may speak with treatment providers around them to determine what help if any can be offered to enable drug or alcohol addicted clients get started in rehabilitation.
- Hunt Regional Outpatient Behav Health
2904 Serling Hart Drive
Commerce, TX. 75428 - Glen Oaks Hospital
301 Division Street
Greenville, TX. 75401 - Lakes Regional Community Center
4200 Stuart Street
Greenville, TX. 75401 - Lakes Regional MH MR Center
4200 Stuart Street
Greenville, TX. 75401 - Hunt Regional Medical Center
4215 Joe Ramsey Boulevard East
Greenville, TX. 75401 - Emory Andrews Center Outpatient Clinic
1174 East Lennon
Emory, TX. 75440 - Sunspire Health Texas
3800 Country Road
Princeton, TX. 75407 - Lakes Community Center
410 West Sam Rayburn Drive
Bonham, TX. 75418