Clifton - Self Payment Drug Rehab
Having to pay for drug treatment in Clifton, TX. can be a big issue to deal with, and self payment is at times the only way to pay and the majority of drug and alcohol treatment facilities realize this situation. The vast majority of drug addicted individuals in search of help aren't covered by private health insurance, because most will have lost such health coverage due to their addiction. These potential clients will most often be unable to acquire more health insurance, and will have to self pay for their rehab. Alcohol and drug rehabilitation centers in Clifton, TX. will often work with individuals in the case that self payment is the only possibility, so see what assistance can be offered to bring the cost of treatment down to a cost which can be feasible. It is not uncommon for families to help make paying for treatment in the case that self payment is the primary choice, and loved ones may talk to rehab centers around them to determine what assistance if any is available to help addicted persons start rehab.
- Heart of Texas Region MH MR Center
407 South Hill Street
Meridian, TX. 76665 - Waco Center for Youth
3501 North 19th Street
Waco, TX. 76708 - Family Counseling and Childrens Servs
1600 Providence Drive
Waco, TX. 76707 - Depaul Center
301 Londonderry Drive
Woodway, TX. 76712 - Heart of Texas Region Mental Health
301 Londonderry Street
Woodway, TX. 76712 - Manna House
926 North 14th Street
Waco, TX. 76707 - Klaras Center for Families
1105 Jefferson Avenue
Waco, TX. 76701 - Pecan Valley Centers
1601 North Anglin Street
Cleburne, TX. 76031