Fees On A Sliding Scale - Decatur, Texas
Each and every individual who needs drug and alcohol treatment should at all costs be able to obtain this priceless treatment so that they can get well. Regrettably, some addicted individuals in Decatur hesitate getting treatment because they believe they simply cannot come up with the funds to pay for it. This is actually sometimes the case, even though quite a few drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers offer clients what is referred to as a sliding fee scale which can be used to make it possible for specific treatment clients get the treatment they require. Sliding fee scales are worked out on an one-on-one basis based off of the individual's situation like finances, housing, the number of dependents they have etc. It is very common for clients to fit into specific groups which may possibly qualify them this sort of payment arrangement and it has helped quite a few clients in Decatur be able to pay for treatment. People can see if they may be qualified for a sliding fee scale by speaking to a rehab specialist today.
- Helen Farabee Mental Health Center
1515 North Highway 81/287 Bus
Decatur, TX. 76234 - STAR Council on Substance Abuse
1106 East Business 380
Decatur, TX. 76234 - Denton County MH MR Center
2519 Scripture Street
Denton, TX. 76201