Farmers Branch, TX. - Substance Abuse Treatment Programs
The different substance abuse treatment programs which are available to drug and alcohol addicted people in Farmers Branch, Texas can vary in a lot of different ways. Some drug and alcohol abuse rehab services take place in a residential or inpatient location, where clientele remain for the duration of their rehab which offers a more conducive rehabilitation setting. Others provide substance abuse rehab programs on an outpatient basis which allows for more flexibility, although outpatient programs may not be a suitable drug and alcohol abuse rehab program for individuals in Farmers Branch, Texas who are struggling with long term addiction difficulties. Whether or not inpatient or outpatient substance abuse rehabilitation programs are chosen, there are also different amounts of time that men and women will be expected to remain in the drug rehabilitation center. For example, some short-term programs provide programs for 4 weeks or less, while long-term centers will call for at least a 3 month stay.
- North Dallas Drug Rehabilitation Ctr
2307 Springlake Road
Dallas, TX. 75234 - First Step Counseling North Dallas
16539 Addison Road
Addison, TX. 75001 - Recovery Healthcare Corporation
9090 North Stemmons Freeway
Dallas, TX. 75247 - Enterhealth Outpatient
8222 Douglas Avenue
Dallas, TX. 75225 - Solace Counseling Assoicates PLLC
1475 Prudential Drive
Dallas, TX. 75235 - Urban Inter Tribal Center of Texas
1261 and 1283 Record Crossing
Dallas, TX. 75235