Georgetown, Texas - Substance Abuse Treatment Programs
The different drug and alcohol abuse rehab programs which are available to drug addicted persons in Georgetown can vary in many various ways. Some substance abuse rehabilitation programs are conducted in a residential or inpatient location, where clientele reside the entire time they are in rehab which provides a more therapeutic rehabilitation setting. Others provide alcohol and drug abuse treatment programs on an outpatient basis which allows for more flexibility, though outpatient programs are not always a suitable drug and alcohol abuse rehab service for individuals in Georgetown who are having difficulties with long term drug addiction difficulties. Regardless of whether inpatient or outpatient alcohol and drug abuse rehab services are selected, there are varying amounts of time that individuals will be asked to continue to be in the drug and alcohol treatment program. For instance, quite a few short-term programs offer services for 30 days or less, while long-term facilities will call for at least a 12 week stay.
- Bluebonnet Trails Community Services
711 North College Street
Georgetown, TX. 78626 - Arbor Behavioral Healthcare
1443 County Road 103
Georgetown, TX. 78626 - Phoenix House of Texas
211 Commerce Boulevard
Round Rock, TX. 78683 - Medication Assisted Recovery Services
1101 Arrow Point Drive
Cedar Park, TX. 78613 - Northwest Counseling and Wellness Ctr
12335 Hymeadow Drive
Austin, TX. 78750