Fees On A Sliding Scale - Henrietta, Texas
It can be tough to come up with the wherewithal to pay for a drug and alcohol treatment facility as soon as an individual decides to seek help. Many alcohol and drug treatment facilities however inspire potential clientele in Henrietta to speak with their treatment specialists to see if they qualify for what is commonly referred to as a sliding fee scale, which could potentially help them pay for this life saving treatment. Sliding fee scales are often worked out after reviewing a few determining variables such as earnings and family size, and most drug and alcohol treatment facilities throughout the Henrietta area are willing to work with clients so that they can afford treatment. Men and women in Henrietta can see if they meet the criteria for financial assistance on their rehab by using a sliding fee scale and consulting with a rehabilitation professional right away.
- Helen Farabee Mental Health Center
1515 North Highway 81/287 Bus
Decatur, TX. 76234 - Youth Services for Stephens Cnty Inc
16 South 7th Street
Duncan, OK. 73533