Other Foreign Languages - Levelland
Substance abuse is a common problem amongst all groups of people and all ethnicities in Levelland, TX., no one is totally immune to this serious problem. No matter which language an individual is speaking, drug and alcohol abuse will only be resolved with effective drug and alcohol rehab. Drug and alcohol treatment centers which provide treatment for individuals who speak foreign languages are offered in many parts of the county. These Drug rehabilitation facilities in Levelland, TX. don't disregard quality because of a possible language barrier, and deliver drug rehab which are right up there in terms of quality level or sometimes even better than comparable English language drug and alcohol treatment programs. Just because a person in treatment only speaks another language doesn't indicate that they should be delivered inferior care than someone else. Speak with a drug rehab professional to search out a drug rehabilitation center in Levelland, TX. that caters to persons who speak languages other than English today.
- Covenant Medical Center Lakeside
4002 22nd Place
Lubbock, TX. 79410 - Childrens Hope Residential Service Inc
2402 Canyon Lakes Drive
Lubbock, TX. 79415