Overton - Fees On A Sliding Scale
Each individual who requires alcohol and drug rehab should at all costs be able to avail themselves of this priceless treatment so that they can get well. Sadly, some addicted individuals in Overton, TX. hesitate obtaining help because they believe they simply cannot come up with the funds to pay for it. This is in fact very often the case, although a lot of drug and alcohol treatment facilities have been using what is referred to as a sliding fee scale which may be used to help particular men and women get the help they need. Sliding fee scales are worked out on an individual basis based on the client's situation like finances, living arrangement, family size etc. It is not uncommon for people to fit into specific categories which may qualify them this sort of payment arrangement and it has helped a lot of clients in Overton, TX. be able to pay for treatment. People can see if they are eligible for a sliding fee scale by consulting with a rehab specialist right away.
- Special Health Resources for Texas Inc
501 Pine Tree Road
Longview, TX. 75604