Substance Abuse Treatment Programs - Paige
The various substance abuse rehab services which are available to alcohol and drug addicted persons in Paige, TX. can differ in a lot of different ways. Some drug and alcohol abuse treatment programs take place in a residential or inpatient facility, where clientele remain the entire time they are in rehabilitation which supplies a more therapeutic treatment setting. Others provide drug and alcohol abuse treatment services on an outpatient basis which provides a sense of flexibility, though outpatient facilities may not be a suitable drug and alcohol abuse rehabilitation service for individuals in Paige, TX. who are having difficulties with serious addiction problems. Whether or not inpatient or outpatient drug and alcohol abuse treatment programs are selected, there are varying amounts of time that men and women will be required to stay in the drug treatment center. For example, some short-term programs offer services for a month or less, whereas long-term programs will demand at least a 12 week stay.
- Burning Tree Lodge
122 Fisher Street
Elgin, TX. 78621 - Clean Investments Inc
1601 Rutherford Lane
Austin, TX. 78754 - Maintenance and Recovery Services Inc
305 Ferguson Drive
Austin, TX. 78753 - Austin Travis County Integral Care
1631 East 2nd Street
Austin, TX. 78702