Panhandle - Fees On A Sliding Scale
Each individual who desires drug treatment in Panhandle, TX. should be able to avail themselves of this powerful help so that they can turn their lives around. Sadly, many addicted individuals shy away from obtaining help due to the fact they believe they just cannot cover the costs of it. This is actually often the situation, even though a number of alcohol and drug treatment facilities in Panhandle, TX. employ what is known as a sliding fee scale which can be used to help specific men and women get the treatment they need to have. Sliding fee scales are worked out on an one-on-one basis after taking into consideration the client's circumstances such as monies on hand, housing circumstances, family size etc. It is not uncommon for clients in Panhandle, TX. to fall into certain categories which may make them qualified for kind of payment arrangement and it has helped numerous people so they are able to pay for rehab. Individuals can find out if they may be eligible for a sliding fee scale by consulting with a rehab specialist today.
- Family Support Services Inc
1001 South Polk Street
Amarillo, TX. 79101 - Texas Panhandle Centers
500 East 1st Street
Dumas, TX. 79029 - Texas Pandhandle Centers
426 Main Street
Hereford, TX. 79045