Ranger, Texas - Assistance With Payment
Most people who require alcohol and drug treatment often use all available monies to fund their addiction, and have a small amount of money in the end to fund their rehab when they desire or need it. This can be a frustrating challenge, but a situation which is understood by most drug treatment centers throughout the Ranger area, which is the reason many will supply some form of payment assistance. Private drug and alcohol treatment centers specifically will often aid the prospective client with payment assistance or sometimes even with with the person to find some form of helpful alcohol and drug rehab program in Ranger that suits their budget. Payment assistance is something that can be discussed with the finance department of any Ranger drug treatment facility with the help of professional drug and alcohol rehabilitation counselors at the alcohol and drug treatment facility.
- Center for Life Resources
301 Pogue Avenue
Eastland, TX. 76448 - Pecan Valley Services
214 SW 26th Avenue
Mineral Wells, TX. 76067 - Crisis and Intake Services for
1429 Clear Lake Road
Weatherford, TX. 76086