Fees On A Sliding Scale - Rockwall
Each person who wants drug and alcohol treatment should at all costs be able to access this priceless help so that they can get well. Regrettably, many alcohol and drug addicted persons in Rockwall, TX. shy away from obtaining assistance just because they think they simply cannot come up with the funds to pay for it. This is in fact very often the scenario when individuals are in need of help, although a lot of alcohol and drug treatment facilities have been using what is referred to as a sliding fee scale which may be used to make it possible for specific individuals get the assistance they require. Sliding fee scales are decided on an one-on-one basis based on the client's circumstances like how much money they make, living arrangement, the number of dependents they have etc. It is not uncommon for clients to fall into certain categories which may help them qualify for this sort of payment arrangement and it has helped a lot of clients in Rockwall, TX. cover the costs of rehab. Potential clients can check into whether or not they may be qualified for a sliding fee scale by speaking with a treatment specialist right away.
- Life Management Resources
303 South Jackson Street
Wylie, TX. 75098 - Remedy Addictions Counselors Inc
303 North Galloway Avenue
Mesquite, TX. 75149 - Child and Family Guidance Centers
120 West Main Street
Mesquite, TX. 75149 - Galaxy Counseling Center
1025 South Jupiter Road
Garland, TX. 75042