Rockwall, Texas - Spanish Speaking Rehabs
Drug or alcohol people of all languages and ethnicities should be able to obtain proven and workable alcohol and drug abuse treatment in Rockwall when needed, and language be a restriction for any person's rehabilitation. Because Spanish is such a common language in this nation, it is very common for drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs to offer Spanish speaking substance abuse counselors and rehabilitation programs for Spanish speaking clients. There should not be treatment limitations in any form for individuals who want to obtain effective alcohol and drug rehabilitation solutions, and alcohol and drug treatment centers are very willing to assist Spanish speaking persons in every way to get them the treatment services they desperately need.
- Child and Family Guidance Centers
120 West Main Street
Mesquite, TX. 75149 - Addicare Group of Texas
2722 West Kingsley Street
Garland, TX. 75041 - Galaxy Counseling Center
1025 South Jupiter Road
Garland, TX. 75042