Timpson, TX. - Self Payment Drug Rehab
While having to come up with the funds for drug rehabilitation in Timpson, Texas can be a large obstacle to overcome, self payment is sometimes the only possibility and many drug treatment programs in Timpson, Texas understand this reality. The majority of addicted persons don't have the luxury of private health insurance, because many end up losing such coverage in the course of their addiction. These individuals will very often be unable to acquire new health coverage, and so must self pay for their treatment. Drug treatment centers in Timpson, Texas will often work with individuals when self payment is the only possibility, so inquire to see what assistance can be provided to lower the cost of treatment down to a cost which can be covered. Families will work together to make pay for treatment if self payment is the only possibility, and families should be all means consult with rehabilitation facilities around them to find out what assistance if any may be available to enable addicted people get started in rehabilitation.
- BHG Center Treatment Center
1110 Teneha Street
Center, TX. 75935 - Burke
4632 NE Stallings Drive
Nacogdoches, TX. 75965 - Allegiance Specialty Hosp of Kilgore
1612 South Henderson Boulevard
Kilgore, TX. 75662 - Alcohol and Drug Abuse Council of
302 North Raguet Street
Lufkin, TX. 75902 - MedMark Treatment Centers
216 North John Redditt Drive
Lufkin, TX. 75904 - Rusk State Hospital
805 North Dickinson Drive
Rusk, TX. 75785