Substance Abuse Treatment Programs - Wolfe City
There are many various types of substance abuse treatment facilities in Wolfe City, TX. which alcohol and drug addicted persons can be helped from. For example, there are drug and alcohol abuse rehabilitation programs which cater to somebody with a very brief history of drug and alcohol abuse and may find luck at a short term alcohol and drug treatment facility which will require the person to reside in treatment for 4 weeks or less. Then there are much more extensive and long term substance abuse treatment centers which insist the individual commit to a stay of 90 days or more, based off of the individual's particular case of alcohol and drug abuse and other variables including co-occurring mental health issues. Alcohol and drug abuse rehab services in Wolfe City, TX. can be completed on an outpatient basis or an inpatient basis, with inpatient substance abuse rehab programs resulting in substantially better success rates as a result of a higher quality of rehabilitation center.
- Lakes Regional Community Center
4200 Stuart Street
Greenville, TX. 75401 - Lakes Community Center
410 West Sam Rayburn Drive
Bonham, TX. 75418 - Sunspire Health Texas
3800 Country Road
Princeton, TX. 75407 - Addiction Treatment Resources
1505 Harroun Street
McKinney, TX. 75069