Outpatient Treatment Services - Corpus Christi, TX.
Drug and alcohol treatment services that are delivered in an outpatient setting are offered in Corpus Christi to individuals who are drug or alcohol addicted and whom have issues which prevent them from being able to receive treatment in an inpatient alcohol and drug rehab center. An outpatient drug and alcohol rehabilitation facility offers a lot of of the same services as an inpatient drug and alcohol treatment facility, but allows for versatility which may not be provided in an inpatient drug and alcohol treatment center in which the individual is required to stay at the alcohol or drug rehab program until treatment is complete. Outpatient alcohol and drug rehabilitation is also available for people in Corpus Christi who have completed residential or inpatient rehabilitation but require a comprehensive followup plan that will offer further help and rehabilitation to help them prevent relapse.
- Charlies Place Recovery Center
5501 Interstate Highway 37
Corpus Christi, TX. 78408 - Corpus Christi Medical Center
6629 Wooldridge Road
Corpus Christi, TX. 78414 - Counseling and Recovery Services
4300 South Padre Island Drive
Corpus Christi, TX. 78411 - South Texas Subst Abuse Recovery Servs
907 Antelope Street
Corpus Christi, TX. 78401 - Valley Coastal Bend Healthcare System
5283 Old Brownsville Road
Corpus Christi, TX. 78405 - Behavioral Health Ctr of Nueces County
1642 South Brownlee Boulevard
Corpus Christi, TX. 78404 - Toxicology Associates Inc
5233 Interstate Highway 37
Corpus Christi, TX. 78408 - Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse
1801 Alameda Street
Corpus Christi, TX. 78404